
Lenny Kravitz-The Chamber

The Chamber Lenny Kravitz

Zamień słowa pochyłym drukiem na własciwe.

  1. You killed the love that was once so big
    With no regret to what you did wrong
    Should I stay and fight?! Can we make this
    You looked through me like an open
    Do I exist to you anymore?!
    'Cause when I’m
    speaking to you
    There’s someone else that you’re
    I gave you all the LOVE I had
    And I almost gave you one more
    Then you put one in the chamber
    killed my heart of glass,
    This time will be the last

    Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy.

    2. You’ve played your ………………, used me like a pawn
    Check mate, you’re done and then you were ………………
    Did I moved too fast?! I ……………… we would last
    Now that you’re through, I can’t feel your soul
    Where there was LOVE lies an ……………… hole
    'Cause when I make love to you
    There’s someone else that you’re feeling

I gave you all the LOVE I had
And I almost gave you one more
Then you put one in the chamber
killed my heart of glass,
This time will be the last

W każdej linijce 1 słowo jest niepoprawne. Wysłuchaj i zapisz właściwe.

3. For so many days,
I’ve been
leaning at the wall
Blind folded with
Waiting for the

I gave you all the LOVE I had
And I almost gave you one more opportunity
Then you put one in the chamber
killed my heart of glass,
This time will be the last